1. To improve the standard of living in the Rural & Urban area of Karnataka state.
  2. To start the formal & non-formal educational institution and training colleges like Engineering, Medical, Nursing, D.Ed, B.Ed, P.Ed, including Primary & Higher.
  3. To take up the integrated rural development of the Tribal women and other weaker section in rural areas, social education, focus on disadvantaged groups like women, bonded labour, child labour, economic development, creation of employment of landless agricultural labours.
  4. To take up “programmes of community development like health, legal education and assistance, environment education and protection, relief and rehabilitation to victims of natural calamities, human resources development. Further community development trainings in entrepreneurship development programmes, micro credit, micro savings for women creation for self sustaining for rural communities.
  5. To take up the programmes and activities for creating social awareness for weaker section of community in education, health, sanitation, agricultural development including oil conservation and water shed related activities.
  6. To take up the vocational training programmes for the welfare of oppressed downtrodden communities.
  7. To start old age homes and destitute cottages along with women development activities.
  8. To start income generating programmes for the welfare of unemployed women and youths.
  9. To take up the programmes for drug addicts and supporting activities for adolescent girls and alcoholic, old aged people.
  10. To take up the programme of development of rural technology and people participating along with human rights, technical support and water.
  11. Formation and nurturing of Self Help Groups, Sthree Shakthi Groups.
  12. To take up the welfare programmes of physically handicapped and mentally retired people.
  13. To take up the programmes for road safety.
  14. To conduct, implement, various community development Programmes, Schemes, Projects of Central and State govt,. Companies, NGOs, inorder to reach out among the rural, urban, slum areas people.
  15. To start family counseling centers for the welfare of the families of suppressed communities.
  16. To take up the cultural development programmes.
  17. To take up the social welfare activities and consumer awareness related programmes.
  18. To take up the youth development programmes with sports activities and yoga camps.
  19. To start the self employment training programmes like Tailoring and Embroidery, Beauticians, Soft skills VTP Trainings.
  20. To Establishment, Implement, organize programs, in Self Employment Through Training Programs like : Skill Development, Income Generation, Utilizing of Micro Facilities & Micro Savings, etc.
  21. To take up the integrated tribal development programmes.
  22. To take programs in Agricultural, horticulture for the betterment and growth of Farmers community.
  23. To educate, to promote public awareness and interest in performing arts, folk dance, among community people.
  24. To take up the programmes of creating awareness in HIV/AIDS/CANCER etc.
  25. To take upliftment programmes for the welfare of street children and child laboures.
  26. To take up the programmes and activities for the weaker section and the un-organized sector.
  27. To take up the programmes for the development of literacy, culture social evils and in addiction of poverty.
  28. To train, Educate the Self Help Groups and take up the programmes for develop the SHG’s.
  29. To sustain the rural and urban economic downtrodden women groups.
  30. To establish, develop, maintain reading room, library facilities.
  31. To work for eradication of social evils such as unsociability, caste taboos, rampant, early marriage, dowry, prostitutions, devadasi systems, trafficking young children and ostracizing of widows and childless women.